New Must Try Skin Line: Source Vital

Happy Motivational Monday Everyone, For Motivational Monday, I want to educate viewers of Lady Code to search for natural alternatives for their traditional beauty products. Many brands contain parabens and toxic chemicals which enter our blood stream and endocrine system through our skin causing a range of health problems like cancer, neurological disorders and even [...]

Leading with Confidence: Zoey Sage, the Hot New Designer We all Need to Follow!

Leading with Confidence: Zoey Sage, the Hot New Designer We all Need to Follow!

Lady Code had a chance to sit down with a hot new designer on the Miami Scene, Zoey Sage, creator of the clothing line Zoey Reva. At the young age of 21, she has already been featured in big-name magazines like Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Women’s Wear Daily. She even participated in the Underground Fort Lauderdale [...]

Motivational Monday: “Better Woman Better Earth” With Honey and Sage

Motivational Monday: “Better Woman Better Earth” With Honey and Sage

Two weeks ago, at the Indie Beauty Expo in Dallas I had the opportunity to speak with Nova, the founder of Honey and Sage©, about prompted her to launch her company. Honey and Sage is dedicated to helping woman with the tools to care for themselves. While training to be a Midwife, Nova began to see a [...]

Motivational Monday: Holiday Travel Wellness

Motivational Monday: Holiday Travel Wellness

  Happy Motivational Monday everyone, I am currently in the middle of studying for all of my finals, so in my place, my mom is contributing  this article about staying healthy while traveling during the holidays. Staying Healthy Travelling During the Holidays By Dr. Elizabeth Trattner "As both a physician and a germaphobe, flying can [...]

Happy Motivational Monday: Spark Joy

Happy Motivational Monday: Spark Joy

Happy Motivational Monday everyone, This weekend, I went home for the Thanksgiving holiday. During Thanksgiving dinner my mom was talking to relatives about this book she had read called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. Marie is the creator of the Kanmarie method and teaches the Japanese art of de-cluttering and organizing. [...]

Motivational Monday: A Time for a Fresh Start

Motivational Monday: A Time for a Fresh Start

Happy Motivational Monday everyone,  With all the events that transpired last week that caused so much undue friction, I felt the need to do something good for the betterment of our community. I returned to one of my favorite volunteering spots, Clean the World, which is an organization that recycles soap donated from hotels to make [...]

Motivational Monday: The Wonders of Volunteering

Happy Motivational Monday, Volunteering has always been one of my biggest passions. I have always enjoyed dedicating my time to help others. A few weeks ago, I went to an organization called Clean the World, an organization that recycles and donates soap world-wide. Part of my school program is based on community service and leadership. [...]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: My Week in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: My Week in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Hi everyone, I want to begin this Motivational Monday by apologizing for my absence. I spent the past week in Chile, disconnecting from technology and getting in touch with the world around me. Today's Motivational Monday is all about learning not to sweat the small stuff. During my trip in San Pedro de Atacama is [...]

Motivational Monday with Megan Owen

Motivational Monday with Megan Owen

Happy Motivational Monday everyone! Last week, I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing the brilliant and beautiful Megan Owen, Miss Colorado Supranational. Megan is a woman in the STEM field. She manages speakers and programs at the Space Foundation, coordinating speakers for meetings and presentations between everyone in the Aerospace and Defense Agency. Originally, she [...]