What Are Chia Seeds Seeds And Why Should I Eat Them?

What Are Chia Seeds Seeds And Why Should I Eat Them?

I don't know if you've noticed, but chia seeds are the talk of the town these days!They've turned into a "trendy" food, but really, they've been around a long time.This is taken directly from Wikipedia:Salvia hispanica, commonly known as chia, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and [...]

Crackdown on “Natural” Cosmetics (Movie Night!)

Crackdown on “Natural” Cosmetics (Movie Night!)

Sorry guys, I have some bad news. This is something that you're going to wish you never knew. You might even choose to "not know." But, I can't just keep my mouth shut about this! Staying silent when I know that people deserve better goes against my code of ethics. To me, that's not empowerment. [...]

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part Two)

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part Two)

Did you know that people get really stressed out over the holidays? Of course you knew that. It's almost like the words 'stress' and 'holiday' are synonymous. So how in the heck are you supposed to stay healthy on top of that? We all know how stress can be detrimental to our health. Well, what [...]

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part One)

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part One)

Yay, it's Monday 🙂 Can you believe that Halloween is around the corner? It seems like I just celebrated, "Happy New Year 2014." Regardless of how quickly this year went for you it's that time of year again! How ready are you for the season of indulging in food and libations? What are your intentions [...]

Where Does True Confidence Come From (Part 3)

Where Does True Confidence Come From (Part 3)

It's Tuesday and Melissa is STILL dishing out motivation. 😉 This is what I happened to me: I was asked to share my google calendar- my daily schedule with basically every minute of my day planned out - with my mentor. I mean, she's here to help me raise MY level of productivity and help [...]

One-On-One With FanArtist Christy Opie

One-On-One With FanArtist Christy Opie

Hi everyone! For today's Motivational Monday with Melissa, I wanted to introduce you to my younger sister, Christy Opie! My talented younger sister joins me for a quick chat about anime, authentic beauty and aspirations. M: Christy, who inspires you and why? C: There's a certain user on Instagram that I've been following for as [...]

Where Does True Confidence Come From? (Part Two)

Where Does True Confidence Come From? (Part Two)

Hi guys! It's been an interesting week for me and I know that you have anxiously been awaiting part 2 of last week's article. 😉 Here is what I have to say in a 5-minute video. http://youtu.be/sZLw80c9d5E I hope that this video resonated with you. Let me know in the comments below if you have [...]

Where Does True Confidence Come From? (Part One)

Where Does True Confidence Come From? (Part One)

Happy Monday ❤ Let's start your week off right! I'm sitting here today sipping green tea (with a dash of cardamom) and feeling quite peaceful. Even though I have a never-ending to-do list, I'm able to fully BE in this moment. This perfect moment. I want to share that with you. I have big plans [...]

Will Eating Less Sugar Help You Lose Weight?

Will Eating Less Sugar Help You Lose Weight?

Hello my friends! It's Melissa's Motivational Monday, and I believe that most of us know the answer to the question, "Can eating less sugar help you lose weight?" The answer is yes. We have seen plenty of research that excess sugar wreaks havoc in our bodies, and yet, we can't stop eating it. Here's why: [...]

Are You Intuitive?

Are You Intuitive?

Hello, my sweet friends! <3We have our 3rd Supermoon in a row today, and it's a full moon in Pisces.What does that mean for you?Emotions are high, and you're feeling indescribably tuned in and connected.Pisces is about water, emotions, intuition, the unseen world, our feeling bodies, and feminine energy.Emily at VirgoMagic writes, "The energies peak [...]