New Must Try Skin Line: Source Vital

Happy Motivational Monday Everyone, For Motivational Monday, I want to educate viewers of Lady Code to search for natural alternatives for their traditional beauty products. Many brands contain parabens and toxic chemicals which enter our blood stream and endocrine system through our skin causing a range of health problems like cancer, neurological disorders and even [...]

The Makeup Mitty Giveaway

The Makeup Mitty Giveaway

Happy Wellness Wednesday everyone, For those of you that have been following Lady Code for a while and reading my posts, you know by now that the environment is a big passion of mine. Today, I was inspired to merge two different facets of Lady Code: Makeup and Wellness! Earlier this month, when I was [...]

Motivational Monday: “Better Woman Better Earth” With Honey and Sage

Motivational Monday: “Better Woman Better Earth” With Honey and Sage

Two weeks ago, at the Indie Beauty Expo in Dallas I had the opportunity to speak with Nova, the founder of Honey and Sage©, about prompted her to launch her company. Honey and Sage is dedicated to helping woman with the tools to care for themselves. While training to be a Midwife, Nova began to see a [...]

Meet Fern Olivia: The Most Motivating, Genuine and Loving Woman.

Meet Fern Olivia: The Most Motivating, Genuine and Loving Woman.

Happy Motivational Monday Lady Code! Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Indie Beauty Expo in Dallas, an exhibition where independently owned makeup, skin care and bath and body companies come to promote and grow their product. To say I love Dallas is the understatement of the year. The people there are absolutely [...]

Lady Code is traveling to the Indie Beauty Expo

Lady Code is traveling to the Indie Beauty Expo

Happy Motivational Monday, Did you know that the products you put on your body are just as important as the food which you eat? People do not realize that everything that you breathe, eat and digest are all processed through your liver. We have to be just as conscious about the makeup, skincare and other [...]

Wellness Wednesday: Staying healthy during finals

Wellness Wednesday: Staying healthy during finals

Happy Wellness Wednesday Right now, I am in the thick of studying for finals, it feels like I spent this entire year studying. Today, whether you are a college student or working adult, I want to share some tips on how to stay healthy while studying for finals. Sleep: it is important to try to [...]

Body Positivity For Motivational Monday

Body Positivity For Motivational Monday

Happy Motivational Monday everyone, Today's post is all about body positivity and being happy with yourself. It is important to love your body and truly understand it’s unique needs. In a day where social media reigns supreme, it is easy to understand why body dysmorphia is on the rise. Many social media bloggers will brand [...]

Thursday Treats for Someone Sweet with Char

Hi everyone,  I am currently swamped with homework and  overwhelmed with 8 hours of math alone. However, I wanted to take the time to share a recipe with you. Eating healthy has always been a big part of my life, limiting the number of treats I could eat. But, over the holidays, I made this [...]