The Right Way Manage Your Weight with Guest Author, Dr. Elizabeth Trattner

Elizabeth TRattner
Meet today’s guest author: 

Dr. Elizabeth Trattner specializes in women’s health, weight management, allergies, autoimmune diseases and environmental illnesses. Since 1991 she has been advancing the concepts of integrative medicine combining her expertise in Chinese Medicine, nutrition and women’s health. Elizabeth has been featured in national publications as an expert in Integrative medicine. She has been featured on television including The Oprah Winfrey show along side her mentor, Dr. Andrew Weil. Elizabeth is also a contributing author for medical books, journals , websites and magazines. 


One of the biggest phenomenon I witness in my practice is women of all ages wanting to lose weight.  There are so many diets and so many opinions out there that it can make one dizzy.  The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is eating a clean diet. A clean diet consists of organic , hormone free,grass fed animal and dairy products ,whole grains, unprocessed nuts and 7-11 servings of organic vegetables and fruit.

Women ask me how can I lose weight quickly? There is no such thing as a quick fix with weight loss. By staying away from junk, and eating at least 1,200 calories a day of clean, healthy and organic food it is possible to drop anywhere from 1/2 pound to 5 pounds in two weeks. Here is an outline I give to patients. Make sure to eat protein at every meal and pick either a starchy vegetable or starch at each meal to keep blood sugar stable.

Closeup of beautiful woman feeling the temptation of eating chocolate

Women’s Weight Management Dietary Guidelines

Daily intake:

Proteins: 4-6 oz of fish,  or seafood(if permitted), 4-5 oz of poultry, 3-4 oz of red meat: beef, lamb and bison(if permitted), ½-3/4 cup beans;2 oz of hard cheese, ½-1 cup of ricotta(skim) or cottage cheese(skim), 1 cup plain unsweetened yogurt; 2 eggs(if permitted);1 cup egg white , 1 cup tofu or soy yogurt;3-4 oz of seitan or tempeh;1 oz of nuts(10-20) or 2 tbsp of nut butter. 3  servings of protein a day

Vegetables: artichokes beets bok choy broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumber eggplant, greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip),leeks, mushrooms(shitake, Portobello no white button), okra, onions peppers pumpkin, radishes, rutabagas snow peas, green beans, snap peas, zucchini, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, watercress,  herb mix salad, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach, water chestnuts, yellow wax beans, endive, escarole, fennel, parsley, sprouts(alfalfa, mung bean and radish) . Unlimited

Fruit: Apple, apricots,1/2 of a banana, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, Clementine, cranberries, fresh figs, grapefruit, grapes(1 cup) guava, honeydew, kiwi, lemon, lime  lychee (fresh) mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, persimmon(fresh)pineapple, plums, pomegranate, raspberries, rhubarb, star fruit, strawberries, tangerine, watermelon. Unlimited

*7-11 servings a day of vegetable and fruit/day, emphasize vegetables. 

Starchy vegetables: 1/3-1/2 cup beans or peas(cooked), ½ cup corn, ½ cup green peas, ½ cup edamame, ½ cup plantains or yuca,1 small yukon or purple potato, 1 small sweet potato,

Starches: 1/3-1/2 cup of cooked barley, whole grain cous-cous, bran, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, brown or basmati rice, oatmeal;1 organic corn tortilla, 1 slice whole grain high fiber bread,3/4 cup high fiber cereal, 3-5 whole rye crackers,1-2 cups air popped popcorn(limit); 5 Mary’s Gone Crackers, 5 San J,  Holgrain, or Edward and Sons brown rice crackers.

*3 servings a day of starchy vegetables or starch servings/day

 Fats:  ½ avocado,10 green or black olives,  1 tbsp capers,1tsp of organic olive, canola or sesame oil, 1tsp of smart balance, spectrum spread, or earth balance, 1tsp vegan or organic mayonnaise, 2 tbsp salad dressing(Annie’s shitake sesame or goddess, Newman’s original). Nuts, see protein. 3-4 servings/day.

 Water: Minimum of 64 oz a day. This can include oolong, green, white and herbal tea, seltzer water. Studies have shown green tea has facilitated weight loss. You may have low sodium organic vegetable, chicken or beef stock.

 Additional foods: spices, herbs, all dietary supplements and herbs, stevia, fresh lemon and lime juice, apple cider or balsamic vinegar, coffee(limit 2 cups)1 tbsp honey or maple syrup.

Please eat every 2-3 hours. Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime or by 8pm. Herbal tea permitted.

You can learn more about Dr. Trattner on her website:

We love following her blog where she provides resources for living a healthy lifestyle, just like this one!  


49 thoughts on “The Right Way Manage Your Weight with Guest Author, Dr. Elizabeth Trattner

  1. I really enjoyed this entry, especially with the “new year, new me!” cliché I’ve become apart of! This helped set a little more of a guide line when grocery shopping, that i didn’t have before! Keep encouraging us to be just as beautiful inside as we are out.


  2. Thank you for these posts. the are so interesting. i think I’m going to try some, i used to make shakes every day when i was going to the gym more often but i haven’t lately because I’ve been busy, but i really want to get into it.


  3. Very informative. I have been trying to add more vegetables and water in my diet. I do have a hard time making sure I’m eating enough protein though.


  4. Thank you SO much for making this post! This is going to be so helpful to me I swear. I live in Asia so the ingredients listed are pretty easy to find here. For a long time I could not figure out how to get in shape and control my diet, now I know what to do 🙂 Thank you so much for the help!!


  5. I liked how all the foods were listed for the different categories, I never knew avocado was a fat.


  6. This really inspired me! These are such great guidelines when comes to beginning one’s fitness journey. Make more!!


  7. I keep losing focus on my weight loss journey but we all really should look after ourselves not just to lose weight but for our own well being as well. Wonderful article!


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