Body Positivity For Motivational Monday

Body Positivity For Motivational Monday

Happy Motivational Monday everyone, Today's post is all about body positivity and being happy with yourself. It is important to love your body and truly understand it’s unique needs. In a day where social media reigns supreme, it is easy to understand why body dysmorphia is on the rise. Many social media bloggers will brand [...]

Be Grateful, Be Thankful

Be Grateful, Be Thankful

Happy Motivational Monday everyone, With so much hate and controversy going on in the world today, it is easy to get wrapped up in negativity. Today's Motivational Monday is all about seeing the glass half full. This weekend, I got to go back home to spend time with my family, despite some sad events that [...]

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part Two)

How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays (Part Two)

Did you know that people get really stressed out over the holidays? Of course you knew that. It's almost like the words 'stress' and 'holiday' are synonymous. So how in the heck are you supposed to stay healthy on top of that? We all know how stress can be detrimental to our health. Well, what [...]