Where Does True Confidence Come From (Part 3)

Where Does True Confidence Come From (Part 3)

It's Tuesday and Melissa is STILL dishing out motivation. 😉 This is what I happened to me: I was asked to share my google calendar- my daily schedule with basically every minute of my day planned out - with my mentor. I mean, she's here to help me raise MY level of productivity and help [...]

How To Make Your Salad Uber-Delish! (And Healthy)

How To Make Your Salad Uber-Delish! (And Healthy)

Ah, Le Salad. Notorious for being the ultimate "healthy" choice. It's simple and fresh. Juicy and raw. So why is it that so many of us associate salads with tasting bad, feeling deprived, and/or having that internal battle - "Oh, I really want fried cheese curds, but I should eat a salad instead." Well, folks, [...]