One on One With Amanda Del Duca: Founder of Slasher Girl

One on One With Amanda Del Duca: Founder of Slasher Girl

Anyone who spends any time shopping online, exploring blogs, or scrolling through Instagram regularly has heard of Sofia Amoruso's book, #GirlBoss. The founder of Nasty Gal shares her thrilling journey to success and offers valuable advice on becoming your own girl boss. If you've read #GirlBoss, you're probably thirsty for more inspiration on taking the [...]

One on One with Melissa Opie: Health & Life Coach Extraordinaire

One on One with Melissa Opie: Health & Life Coach Extraordinaire

Happy Friday Lady Code! Today, I am so excited to introduce you to my older sister, Melissa Opie. Melissa is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, and she is sharing a few health and wellness tips with Lady Code. Melissa has also shared her 3-day green smoothie challenge for those of you who want a [...]