Meet Miss Globe Georgia United States 2017: Jalen Graves

Lady Code is the one of the media sponsors of Miss Globe United States, which means we have the opportunity to meet and interview each state delegate for Miss Globe United States before they head off to compete for the national title this September in Washington, DC! Our first interview in this series is Jalen Graves, Miss Georgia Globe United States 2017!

Meet your Georgia queen: 

Hiii!!!! I’m Jalen Graves, born and raised in Fairfield, Alabama. I have recently relocated to the Atlanta area, after graduating from Alabama State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation services. Currently I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation counseling at Georgia State University. When I have spare time, I love to cuddle with my fur baby.

Quick facts…
Hometown: Fairfield, AL
Current City: Atlanta, GA
Hobbies: Cooking, Scrapbooking
Favorite food: Anything with cheese
Favorite movie: Love Jones
Three words that sum you up: Love is Everything
Song you have on repeat right now: Bruno Mars –That’s What I Like
Dream job: Owner and Director of Community Empowerment Center
Beauty product you can’t live without: MASCARA!!!
Favorite quote: “The harder you work, the luckier you get”

Being Miss Globe Georgia must keep you pretty busy! What is a typical day like for you?
That is so true! I usually wake up at about 8am, have breakfast and head to the gym. Twice a week I have class, so I do that and get the tons of homework I have done. When I’m not in class I may attend a workshop or meeting for one of the organizations that I am in. One the weekends I usually take my fur baby to the park and hang out with my friends.

What has been the highlight of being Miss Globe Georgia so far?
Learning!! This is my first time holding a state title and there is so much that goes into. I’m really enjoying preparing for the national pageant and doing interviews like this one.

What are some of your best beauty secrets to looking flawless all the time?
Mine is primer… because I am oily and I hate for my makeup to slide. Primer is definitely one thing that I will splurge on. Also, drinking a lot of water to help keep my complexion clear and luminous.

Growing up, who was your inspiration?
My parents without a doubt. They both came from backgrounds that could have easily counted them out but found a way to persevere. I very proud of my daddy who has just gained a Master’s degree at the age of 60.

Lady Code has a focus on anti-bullying and women empowerment. Do you have any advice for our readers who may be victims of bullying?
Tell someone you trust. I know that bullying can sometimes silence its victims for so many different reasons, but it is my hope that one confidant can provide so much refuge that those that are bullied are able to withstand it until they feel comfortable to stand up or tell someone of authority.

Tell us about your platform:
My platform is all about mental health awareness. As a counselor in training it is a topic that has become very close to my heart. I want to use my voice and position to share with people that mental illness is a disability and we as a society should work together to help those affected because we all are touched by it in some way.

What can Lady Code readers do in their communities to get involved?
Don’t be afraid to ask!!! There are very few clubs and organizations that will turn down volunteers. So just ask around to people that are involved into something you have an interest in, I’m sure they would be happy to have some help.

In your free time, what do you enjoy doing?
I love catching up on my shows. As a queen and a college student, I have very small pockets of free time and always try to use those to catch up on my favorite TV shows like Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder.

What is your go-to makeup look?
A natural look with Springy eyes and dramatic lashes.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
The one thing I can’t live without….. My MacBook. I take it EVERYWHERE!!! I never know when I need to check and send emails or jump on Facebook. Plus it has all of my favorite music right at my fingertips.

What is the hardest part about competing in pageants?
I would have to say the hardest part about competition is deciding on a gown. There are always so many beautiful ones to choose from and so many different styles. We have to decide which colors pop and what I will feel most confident in. It’s really a task, but super rewarding at the end.

What is the best part about competing in pageants?
I love getting glammed up! I’m not that girl that is super flashy every day, so competing gives me the chance to completely transform and I love it.

What is the best advice you have ever received?
For as long as I can remember my mommy would always tell me that respect never goes out of style. I have always held on to that and remembered to demand respect and respect other people.

Keep up with Jalen:
Twitter: jgraves0793
Instagram: Commenta7y_100
Facebook Fan Page: Miss Globe Georgia United States


41 thoughts on “Meet Miss Globe Georgia United States 2017: Jalen Graves

  1. Love this article and congratulations to her father for receiving his Masters degree at 60👏👏 Wow!! She is so well spoken and I love that she’s involved in mental health awareness and her words of advice for victims of bullying are empowering! Way to go!!


  2. One of my favorite interviews by far! First of all, as a fur mom, I got so happy when I read she loves cuddling with her fur baby too ❤ I was totally amazed by the fact she’s a counselor specified in Rehabilation services and that her platform focuses on mental health awareness. I, myself, am struggling with my mental health and I applaud her for doing this! Congrats to her parents for raising such an amazing, bright woman (with a great taste in TV shows hahaha) 🙌 And also, congrats to her father for gaining his Master’s degree at the age of 60! Very inspiring 👏


  3. Jalen is absolutely lovely. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she only posesses a beautiful heart. I adore her very much 🙂


  4. OMG YES YES YES for mental health awareness and I just got a job as a rehabilitation services provider. I’m graduating next week with my bachelors and I’m going to grad school for school counseling. We need more people like you in the world. This makes me so happy that this is your platform!!!


  5. Congratulations on a great interview to my “special pageant daughter” Jalen! She is a very sweet young lady and I look forward to working with her this year as her director.
    Rose McCall, Director
    Miss Globe AL-GA-MS Pageant 2017


  6. I came back to this to be reminded that people care about mental health. May is mental health awareness month and it needs to be talked about more.


  7. I was randomly scanning through FB and saw a name that was very recognizable; Jaylen Graves, former elementary student of Robinson Elementary in Fairfield, Alabama. Jaylen always was a very focused student even in the primary grades. I was in awe to see such a beautiful picture accompanied by an exclusive article related to her pageant title as Miss Georgia Globe. I am very proud of the manner in which she responded in the interview and I wish Jaylen the very best of blessings in her pursuit of her Master’s degree and the next level of Miss Globe USA.


  8. Love💙💛 this article .Wow!! She is so well spoken and I love that she’s involved in mental health awareness and her words of advice💞 for victims of bullying are empowering! Way to go!!. She has such a well rounded personality! I love it. Congrats to her dad for getting his Masters degree!. Love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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